Important informations


Laboratoire de génomique du cancer et de recherche translationnelle

Le laboratoire de génomique du cancer et de recherche translationnelle fait le lien entre la recherche fondamentale et la recherche clinique pour étudier la résistance aux médicaments chez les patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein.

Notre recherche se concentre principalement sur les cancers du sein triple négatifs et Her2+, les sous-types de cancer du sein les plus agressifs. Dans le cadre de projets de collaboration, nous étudions également la résistance aux médicaments dans les cancers du côlon et de l’estomac. La plupart des patients atteints de cancer développent inévitablement une résistance aux médicaments à un moment ou à un autre de leur traitement. Notre équipe utilise des technologies de pointe et des échantillons de patients pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes qui sous-tendent l’émergence de la résistance, identifier de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques ainsi que des biomarqueurs pour surveiller la récurrence. L’objectif ultime de notre travail est de contourner la résistance et d’améliorer la thérapie anticancéreuse au profit des patients atteints de cancer.

Notre laboratoire fait partie du Centre du cancer Segal et de l’Institut Lady Davis de recherches médicales, tous deux affiliés à l’Université McGill à Montréal.

Meet the Team

Mark Basik laboratory team

From left to right: Chantal Autexier, Jian Qin, Adrian Young, Patrick Lambert-Lanteigne, Linda Pallotto, Alexandre Garus.


Notre recherche est axée sur la résistance aux médicaments. Nous utilisons des échantillons biologiques humains collectés dans le cadre de notre vaste biobanque, qui comprend des tumeurs primaires, des tumeurs métastatiques et du plasma. Nous avons généré des modèles précliniques dérivés de tumeurs de patients, y compris une collection de xénogreffes provenant de patients atteints de cancer du sein, du colon et de l’estomac. Nous avons également adopté une nouvelle méthode pour établir des cultures primaires en utilisant la reprogrammation conditionnelle. Ces outils précliniques in vivo et in vitro sont actuellement utilisés dans plusieurs de nos projets.

Nous utilisons des outils génomiques tels que les puces d’expression génique, le séquençage ciblé et de l’exome entier, le séquençage de l’ARN, l’analyse du nombre de copies et la technologie ddPCR.

Essais cliniques : nous sommes spécialisés dans les essais cliniques fondés sur des biopsies à l’initiative des chercheurs, dans le cadre desquels des échantillons de tumeur et de sang sont prélevés avant et pendant le traitement médicamenteux. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la collecte et le traitement d’échantillons pour l’établissement de profils moléculaires en aval et nous avons mis au point des procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour garantir la haute qualité des échantillons biologiques analysés. Nous avons récemment terminé l’essai Q-CROC-03, une étude basée sur les biopsies pour identifier les marqueurs moléculaires de la résistance aux médicaments dans le cancer du sein triple négatif, les analyses de ces échantillons font actuellement partie des projets en cours dans le laboratoire.

 Les projets actuellement en cours dans le laboratoire comprennent :

  • Validation de la réponse clinique aux médicaments dans les PDX et les cellules reprogrammées sous conditions.
  • Identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour surmonter la résistance aux médicaments dans le cancer du sein triple négatif.
  • Nouvelles modalités de traitement pour les cancers du sein HER2+ résistants aux médicaments.
  • Impact du microenvironnement sur la résistance aux médicaments.
  • Identification et validation de biomarqueurs de la réponse et de la résistance aux médicaments chez les patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein triple négatif.
  • Q-CROC-03- Essai clinique visant à établir le profil moléculaire du cancer du sein triple négatif résistant aux médicaments.
  • Étude des gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs (ARID1A et SPEN) dans le cancer du sein.


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 


Dr. Mark Basik

Dr Mark Basik

Chercheur principal

Le Dr Basik est chercheur en chirurgie à l’Institut Lady Davis de recherches médicales et professeur agrégé aux départements de chirurgie et d’oncologie de l’Université McGill depuis 2003. Il dirige le laboratoire de génomique du cancer et de recherche translationnelle et est directeur médical de l’équipe interdisciplinaire du cancer du sein au Centre du cancer Segal de l’Hôpital général juif. Le laboratoire du Dr Basik fait partie du Réseau de cancérologie – axe Cancer du sein/ovaire du FRQS et, à ce titre, participe activement à une banque provinciale de tumeurs mammaires et de plasma dans le domaine du cancer du sein. Ses principaux intérêts de recherche sont : l’étude des modifications de l’ADN dans le cancer du sein et du côlon ; l’étude des mécanismes de résistance aux différents médicaments utilisés dans le cancer du sein et du côlon, y compris la chimiothérapie et les thérapies ciblées ; la découverte et la validation de biomarqueurs tissulaires et plasmatiques prédictifs de la réponse au traitement. Le Dr Basik et son équipe travaillent dans le domaine de la recherche translationnelle sur le cancer, qui vise à faire le lien entre la recherche fondamentale et la recherche clinique au profit des patients atteints de cancer. La force de son laboratoire réside dans la facilité d’accès aux échantillons cliniques des patients et dans l’utilisation de technologies de pointe.

Associé(e) de recherche

Mark Basik 2

Adriana Aguilar, PhD

Directrice scientifique

I received a BSc in Molecular Biology & Genetics from McMaster University in 2017. I am currently studying how mutations of dyskerin, a telomerase-associated protein, affect its interaction with other proteins, subcellular localization, and telomerase RNA abundance.

Mark Basik 2

Luca Cavallone, PhD

Expert ddPCR

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Mark Basik 2

Catherine Chabot, PhD

Directrice du laboratoire

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Mark Basik 2

Cedric Darini

Métabolisme et résistance aux médicaments

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Research Assistants

Mark Basik 2

Marguerite Buchanan, MSc

Plateforme PDX

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Mark Basik 2

Josiane Lafleur, MSc

Assistante de recherche clinique/gestionnaire de biobanque

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Mark Basik 2

Cathy Lan

Manipulation des échantillons biologiques

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

Étudiant(e)s au doctorat

Mark Basik 2

Kathryn Bozek

Post-doctoral fellow

I come from Brazil, where I graduated in Biochemical Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. I have more than four years of professional experience in manufacturing and quality assurance of reagents for molecular diagnostics. Now I’m interested in better understanding the role of the protein dyskerin and H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complexes in regulating telomere biology and cellular aging.

Mark Basik 2

Juliet Guay

Post-doctoral fellow

I come from Brazil, where I graduated in Biochemical Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. I have more than four years of professional experience in manufacturing and quality assurance of reagents for molecular diagnostics. Now I’m interested in better understanding the role of the protein dyskerin and H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complexes in regulating telomere biology and cellular aging.

Linda Pallotto

Linda Pallotto

Team Arsenic

Linda completed her BSc in Biology at the University of Waterloo. During her undergraduate degree, she worked as a co-op student in the lab of Dr. Paul Mains where her project used C. elegans to describe gene variants that cause drug resistance in parasitic nematodes. After graduating, she worked for a year in the lab of Dr. Ryan Yuen at SickKids in Toronto investigating short tandem repeat expansions using Nanopore and Sanger sequencing. She is now pursuing her MSc in the Autexier lab and is interested in how a region of telomerase, known as the insertions in fingers domain (IFD), is involved in its localization and activity at the telomeres. When not in lab, Linda enjoys listening to music or watching movies while she knits.

Mark Basik 2

Madelyn Abraham

Team Lymphoma

Madelyn is a PhD student in the department of Experimental Medicine. She uses mouse modelling to study Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. In particular, she has found that mutations in the transcription factor STAT6 are enriched at disease relapse, and I study how this contributes to remodeling of the tumour microenvironment.

Mark Basik 2

Rowa Bakadlag

Team Tungsten

Rowa is a PhD candidate in the department of Experimental Medicine. She completed her BSc in Microbiology and Immunology in Saudi Arabia, then completed two MScs in Genetics and Parasitology at McGill University. Her work investigates tungsten toxicity focusing on SLC2A2 as a transporter and the effects on mature B lymphocytes.

Étudiant(e) à la maîtrise

Mark Basik 2

Talia Roseshter

Team Vaping

Vincenza is an MSc. Student in the Department of Pharmacology. She completed her BSc. in Pharmacology at McGill University. Her project aims to elucidate the role of e-cigarette use on the murine cardiopulmonary system. Specifically, she is focusing on metal deposition in the lungs, and the progression of atherosclerosis due to these exposures.

Mark Basik 2

Ayse Nazli Zengin

Team Arsenic

Nazli Zengin is an MSc. student in the Department of Pharmacology. She has a background in pharmacology and environment. Her work currently focuses on elucidating how sex and diet modulate arsenic toxicity and its immunological and cardiovascular consequences.

Mark Basik 2

Andrew Little

Team Arsenic

Andrew is an MSc. student in the Department of Pharmacology who graduated from the B.Sc. program in Biochemistry at McGill in 2021. He works on a proteomics project centred around Arsenic 3-Methyltransferase and the question about whether it serves an additional function.

Mark Basik 2

Raymond Tu

Team Tungsten

Raymond is an MSc. Student in the Department of Pharmacology who completed his BSc. in Environmental Health Sciences from the UNC Chapel Hill as a as a Morehead-Cain Scholar. He received the McCall MacBain Scholarship in 2021. His project studies the mechanism of tungsten on mTORC1, a major regulator of cell growth and proliferation.

Mark Basik 2

Nikola Kukolj

Team Arsenic

Nikola is an incoming MSc Student who completed his undergraduate degree in
Microbiology and Immunology at McGill University. He is currently working on an NSERC
summer project that assesses the functional characterization of macrophages exposed to arsenic using murine bone marrow-derived macrophages.

Undergraduate Students

Mark Basik 2

Roni Juran

Team Vaping

Roni is a second-year BSc student in Chemistry at McGill. As an undergraduate student, she works on various projects across the lab, but is currently focused elucidating the correlation between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and vaping.

Anciens membres de l'équipe

  • Isabelle Sirois, PhD
    Associée de recherche/Métabolisme et protéomique
  • Urszula Krmzeien
    Assistante de recherche clinique/agente PMT
  • Frederic Charbonneau
    Assistant de recherche clinique/agente PMT
  • Emma Fowler
    Étudiante à la maîtrise
  • Yirui Gui, PhD
    Chercheur post-doctoral


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 


Our laboratory possesses the equipment for the process of histology and histochemistry and has access to the LDI Cell Imaging Facility under the supervision of Dr Christian Young (confocal microscope and LSM800 Airyscan). RT-qPCR for the quantitation of RNA and microRNAs is carried out at the SEGAL Cancer Center and we have developed CrisprCas9 expertise for genomic edition. More traditional techniques are also present in our laboratory, immunoblotting, RTPCR, primary cell cultures… We possess two organ baths allowing measurements of bladder strip contractility (2 machines in total). We have developed several models of bladder dysfunction in rats (partial bladder obstruction) and mice (streptozotocin induced type 1 diabetes, TallyHo) and the animal quarters of the LDI provide support and expertise on animal handling and surgeries.

For prostate cancer research, we have access to immune-histochemistry CODEX apparatus and SOMAscan for sensitive proteomic analysis inside the LDI.


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 


  • On-Treatment Levels and Dynamic Changes of Genomic Instability in Circulating Tumor DNA Predict Response to Treatment and Outcome in Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients.
    Aguilar-Mahecha A, Lafleur J, Brousse S, Savichtcheva O, Holden KA, Faulkner N, McLennan G, Jensen TJ, Basik M. Early, Cancers (Basel). 2021 Mar 16;13(6):1331.

  • Prognostic and predictive value of circulating tumor DNA during neoadjuvant chemotherapy for triple negative breast cancer.
    Cavallone L, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Lafleur J, Brousse S, Aldamry M, Roseshter T, Lan C, Alirezaie N, Bareke E, Majewski J, Ferrario C, Hassan S, Discepola F, Seguin C, Mihalcioiu C, Marcus EA, Robidoux A, Roy JA, Pelmus M, Basik M. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 7;10(1):14704.

  • A Unique Morphological Phenotype in Chemoresistant Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Reveals Metabolic Reprogramming and PLIN4 Expression as a Molecular Vulnerability.
    Sirois I, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Lafleur J, Fowler E, Vu V, Scriver M, Buchanan M, Chabot C, Ramanathan A, Balachandran B, Légaré S, Przybytkowski E, Lan C, Krzemien U, Cavallone L, Aleynikova O, Ferrario C, Guilbert MC, Benlimame N, Saad A, Alaoui-Jamali M, Saragovi HU, Josephy S, O’Flanagan C, Hursting SD, Richard VR, Zahedi RP, Borchers CH, Bareke E, Nabavi S, Tonellato P, Roy JA, Robidoux A, Marcus EA, Mihalcioiu C, Majewski J, Basik M. Mol Cancer Res. 2019 Dec;17(12):2492-2507.

  • Metastatic breast carcinoma-associated fibroblasts have enhanced pro-tumorigenic properties related to increased IGF2 expression.
    Gui Y, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Krzemien U, Hosein A, Buchanan M, Lafleur J, Pollak MN, Ferrario C, Basik M. Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Dec 1;25(23):7229-7242. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-1268. PMID:31515454.

  • Precision Medicine Tools to Guide Therapy and Monitor Response to Treatment in a HER-2+ Gastric Cancer Patient: Case Report.
    Aguilar-Mahecha A, Joseph S, Cavallone L, Buchanan M, Krzemien U, Batist G, Basik M. Front Oncol. 2019 Aug 6;9:698.

  • An integrated stress response via PKR suppresses HER2+ cancers and improves trastuzumab therapy.
    Darini C, Ghaddar N, Chabot C, Assaker G, Sabri S, Wang S, Krishnamoorthy J, Buchanan M, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Abdulkarim B, Deschenes J, Torres J, Ursini-Siegel J, Basik M, Koromilas AE. Nat Commun. 2019 May 13;10(1):2139.

  • A study of pre-analytical variables and optimization of extraction method for circulating tumor DNA measurements by digital droplet PCR.
    Cavallone L, Al-Damry M, Lafleur J, Lan C, Gonzalez-Ginestet P, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Basik M. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019 Mar 1. doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-18-0586. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 30824523.

  • The identification of challenges in tissue collection for biomarker studies: the Q-CROC-03 neoadjuvant breast cancer translational trial experience.
    Aguilar-Mahecha A, Lafleur J, Pelmus M, Seguin C, Lan C, Discepola F, Kovacina B, Christodoulopoulos R, Salvucci O, Mihalcioiu C, Roy JA, Robidoux A, Marcus EA, Batist G, Basik M. Mod Pathol. 2017 Jul 28. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2017.82. [Epub ahead of print].

  • SPEN, a new player in primary cilia formation and cell migration in breast cancer.
    Légaré S, Chabot C, Basik M. Breast Cancer Res. 2017 Sep 6;19(1):104.

  • Targeted error-suppressed quantification of circulating tumor DNA using semi-degenerate barcoded adapters and biotinylated baits.
    Alcaide M, Yu S, Davidson J, Albuquerque M, Bushell K, Fornika D, Arthur S, Grande BM, McNamara S, Tertre MCD, Batist G, Huntsman DG, Cavallone L, Aguilar A, Basik M, Johnson NA, Deyell RJ, Rassekh SR, Morin RD.
    Sci Rep. 2017 Sep 5;7(1):10574.

  • Immuno-Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Assays for Quantifying AKT1 and AKT2 in Breast and Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines and Tumors.
    Popp R, Li H, LeBlanc A, Mohammed Y, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Chambers AG, Lan C, Poetz O, Basik M, Batist G, Borchers CH. Anal Chem. 2017 Oct 3;89(19):10592-10600.

  • Nonoperative Management for Invasive Breast Cancer After Neoadjuvant Systemic Therapy: Conceptual Basis and Fundamental International Feasibility Clinical Trials. Kuerer HM, Vrancken Peeters MTFD, Rea DW, Basik M, De Los Santos J, Heil J. Ann Surg Oncol. 2017 Aug 1.

  • The identification of challenges in tissue collection for biomarker studies: the Q-CROC-03 neoadjuvant breast cancer translational trial experience.
    Aguilar-Mahecha A, Lafleur J, Pelmus M, Seguin C, Lan C, Discepola F, Kovacina B, Christodoulopoulos R, Salvucci O, Mihalcioiu C, Roy JA, Robidoux A, Marcus EA, Batist G, Basik M. Mod Pathol. 2017 Jul 28. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2017.82.

  • Inhibition of EGFR, HER2, and HER3 signaling with AZD8931 in combination with anastrozole as an anticancer approach: Phase II randomized study in women with endocrine-therapy-naïve advanced breast cancer.
    Johnston S, Basik M, Hegg R, Lausoontornsiri W, Grzeda L, Clemons M, Dreosti L, Mann H, Stuart M, Cristofanilli M. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Nov;160(1):91-99.

  • Minireview: The Link Between ERα Corepressors and Histone Deacetylases in Tamoxifen Resistance in Breast Cancer.
    Légaré S, Basik M. Mol Endocrinol. 2016 Sep;30(9):965-76. doi: 10.1210/me.2016-1072.

  • PDK1-Dependent Metabolic Reprogramming Dictates Metastatic Potential in Breast Cancer. Dupuy F, Tabariès S, Andrzejewski S, Dong Z, Blagih J, Annis MG, Omeroglu A, Gao D, Leung S, Amir E, Clemons M, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Basik M, Vincent EE, St-Pierre J, Jones RG, Siegel PM. Cell Metab. 2015 Oct 6;22(4):577-89. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2015.08.007.

  • The Estrogen Receptor Cofactor SPEN Functions as a Tumor Suppressor and Candidate Biomarker of Drug Responsiveness in Hormone-Dependent Breast Cancers. 
    Légaré S, Cavallone L, Mamo A, Chabot C, Sirois I, Magliocco A, Klimowicz A, Tonin PN, Buchanan M, Keilty D, Hassan S, Laperrière D, Mader S, Aleynikova O, Basik M. Cancer Res. 2015 Oct 15;75(20):4351-63. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-14-3475.

  • A functional in vitro model of heterotypic interactions reveals a role for interferon-positive carcinoma associated fibroblasts in breast cancer.
    Hosein AN, Livingstone J, Buchanan M, Reid JF, Hallett M, Basik M. BMC Cancer. 2015 Mar 15;15:130. doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-1117-0.

  • Glycoproteomic comparison of clinical triple-negative and luminal breast tumors. 
    Hill JJ, Tremblay TL, Fauteux F, Li J, Wang E, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Basik M, O’Connor-McCourt M. J Proteome Res. 2015 Mar 6;14(3):1376-88. doi: 10.1021/pr500987r.

  • Sentinel node biopsy after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in biopsy-proven node-positive breast cancer: the SN FNAC study.
    Boileau JF, Poirier B, Basik M, Holloway CM, Gaboury L, Sideris L, Meterissian S, Arnaout A, Brackstone M, McCready DR, Karp SE, Trop I, Lisbona A, Wright FC, Younan RJ, Provencher L, Patocskai E, Omeroglu A, Robidoux A. J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jan 20;33(3):258-64. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2014.55.7827. Epub 2014 Dec 1.

  • Chromosome-breakage genomic instability and chromothripsis in breast cancer.
    Przybytkowski E, Lenkiewicz E, Barrett MT, Klein K, Nabavi S, Greenwood CM, Basik M. BMC Genomics. 2014 Jul 9;15:579. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-579.

  • Testing devices or experimental systems? Cancer clinical trials take the genomic turn. 
    Nelson NC, Keating P, Cambrosio A, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Basik M. Soc Sci Med. 2014 Jun;111:74-83. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.04.008.

  • Imiquimod in the treatment of breast cancer skin metastasis.
    Henriques L, Palumbo M, Guay MP, Bahoric B, Basik M, Kavan P, Batist G. J Clin Oncol. 2014 Mar 10;32(8):e22-5. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2012.46.4883.

  • RSF1 and not cyclin D1 gene amplification may predict lack of benefit from adjuvant tamoxifen in high-risk pre-menopausal women in the MA.12 randomized clinical trial.
    Keilty D, Buchanan M, Ntapolias K, Aleynikova O, Tu D, Li X, Shepherd L, Bramwell V, Basik M. PLoS One. 2013 Dec 19;8(12):e81740. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081740.

  • Biopsies: next-generation biospecimens for tailoring therapy.
    Basik M, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Rousseau C, Diaz Z, Tejpar S, Spatz A, Greenwood CM, Batist G. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2013 Aug;10(8):437-50.

  • Next-generation biobanking of metastases to enable multidimensional molecular profiling in personalized medicine. 
    Diaz Z, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Paquet ER, Basik M, Orain M, Camlioglu E, Constantin A, Benlimame N, Bachvarov D, Jannot G, Simard MJ, Chabot B, Gologan A, Klinck R, Gagnon-Kugler T, Lespérance B, Samson B, Kavan P, Alcindor T, Dalfen R, Lan C, Chabot C, Buchanan M, Przybytkowski E, Qureshi S, Rousseau C, Spatz A, Têtu B, Batist G. Mod Pathol. 2013 Nov;26(11):1413-24. doi: 10.1038/modpathol.2013.81.

  • Ultradense array CGH and discovery of micro-copy number alterations and gene fusions in the cancer genome. 
    Przybytkowski E, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Nabavi S, Tonellato PJ, Basik M. Methods Mol Biol. 2013;973:15-38.

  • Exosomes mediate stromal mobilization of autocrine Wnt-PCP signaling in breast cancer cell migration. 
    Luga V, Zhang L, Viloria-Petit AM, Ogunjimi AA, Inanlou MR, Chiu E, Buchanan M, Hosein AN, Basik M, Wrana JL. Cell. 2012 Dec 21;151(7):1542-56.

  • The effect of pre-analytical variability on the measurement of MRM-MS-based mid- to high-abundance plasma protein biomarkers and a panel of cytokines.
    Aguilar-Mahecha A, Kuzyk MA, Domanski D, Borchers CH, Basik M. PLoS One. 2012;7(6).

  • An integrated genomic approach identifies ARID1A as a candidate tumor-suppressor gene in breast cancer. 
    Mamo A, Cavallone L, Tuzmen S, Chabot C, Ferrario C, Hassan S, Edgren H, Kallioniemi O, Aleynikova O, Przybytkowski E, Malcolm K, Mousses S, Tonin PN, Basik M. Oncogene. 2012 Apr 19;31(16):2090-100.

  • The use of ultra-dense array CGH analysis for the discovery of micro-copy number alterations and gene fusions in the cancer genome. 
    Przybytkowski E, Ferrario C, Basik M. BMC Med Genomics. 2011 Jan 27;4:16. doi: 10.1186/1755-8794-4-16.

  • CXCR4 peptide antagonist inhibits primary breast tumor growth, metastasis and enhances the efficacy of anti-VEGF treatment or docetaxel in a transgenic mouse model. 
    Hassan S, Buchanan M, Jahan K, Aguilar-Mahecha A, Gaboury L, Muller WJ, Alsawafi Y, Mourskaia AA, Siegel PM, Salvucci O, Basik M. Int J Cancer. 2011 Jul 1;129(1):225-32.

  • Breast carcinoma-associated fibroblasts rarely contain p53 mutations or chromosomal aberrations. 
    Hosein AN, Wu M, Arcand SL, Lavallée S, Hébert J, Tonin PN, Basik M. Cancer Res. 2010 Jul 15;70(14):5770-7. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-10-0673.

  • The influence of tumor-host interactions in the stromal cell-derived factor-1/CXCR4 ligand/receptor axis in determining metastatic risk in breast cancer. 
    Hassan S, Ferrario C, Saragovi U, Quenneville L, Gaboury L, Baccarelli A, Salvucci O, Basik M. Am J Pathol. 2009 Jul;175(1):66-73. doi: 10.2353/ajpath.2009.080948.


Uri Saragovi, McGill University, Montreal Canada

Indra Gupta, McGill University, Montreal Canada

Jeremy Burton, Western University, London Canada

Stephane Bolduc, Université Laval, Québec Canada

Lori Lerner, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, USA

Gilles Karsenty, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille France

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 

  1. How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics. Popp, R., Basik, M., Spatz, A., Batist, G., Zahedi, R.P., Borchers, C.H., 2018. Analyst Clin. Chem. 64, 1271–1272. 143, 2197–2203.
  2. Immuno-MALDI-TOF-MS in the Clinic. Zahedi, R.P., Parker, C.E., Borchers, C.H., 2018.


Dr. Lysanne Campeau

Dr. Lysanne Campeau

Career Awards


  • Kathryn Rolph Award: In recognition of her outstanding achievements and leadership, contributing to the advancement of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University


  • Young Urologist of the year Award: American Urological Association – Young Urologist Committee

Jian Qin

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

Deanna MacNeil

  • CIHR CGS-M, CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Tsz Wai (Josephine) Chu 

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship
  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Johanna Mancini

  • FRQS doctoral award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Yasmin D’Souza

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

May Shawi

  • CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Marie Eve Brault

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Maria Antonietta Cerone

  • US Army Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Award

Tara Moriarty

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

Sylvain Huard

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

François Bachand

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

Distinctions and Research Awards


  • Best ePoster at the Société Internationale d’Urolgie 42nd Congress November 9-13 2022


  • Best abstract in the Basic Science category at the 7th Annual Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium April 30, 2022


  • Best basic science abstract – Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction Annual meeting Annual Meeting 2022


  • Best abstract in the Translational Science category at the 6th Annual Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium April 29, 2021


  • Best Reviewer in 2019 Award, Journal of Urology


  • Spinal Cord Best Review Paper Award for papers published in 2017, Spinal Cord (Nature Journal)


  • American Urological Association 2018 Annual Meeting: Best Poster


  • International Continence Society Annual Meeting 2017: Best Abstract in category


  • Honor, Early Career Investigators Showcase Speaker, American Urological Association 2017 Annual Meeting

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Undergraduate students

Hannah Chui

  • NSERC USRA recipientCIHR CGS-M Award

Dominique Rinfret

  • NSERC USRA recipient

Michelle Shen

  • NSERC USRA recipient

Ricky Kwan

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Toronto Dominion Bank Studentship

Yasmin D’Souza

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

May Shawi

  • CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Marie Eve Brault

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 

  1. How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics. Popp, R., Basik, M., Spatz, A., Batist, G., Zahedi, R.P., Borchers, C.H., 2018. Analyst Clin. Chem. 64, 1271–1272. 143, 2197–2203.
  2. Immuno-MALDI-TOF-MS in the Clinic. Zahedi, R.P., Parker, C.E., Borchers, C.H., 2018.


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

Les activités de recherche actuelles ont reçu le soutien des sources suivantes :

  • Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
  • Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec
  • Génome Québec
  • Fonds recherche en santé du Québec
  • Week-end pour vaincre le cancer du sein/Fondation de l’HGJ
  • Société de recherche sur le cancer
  • Groupe McPeak-Sirois
  • Pfizer
  • Sequenom
  • Exactis Innovation

Un grand merci à tous nos donateurs privés. Grâce à votre générosité, notre laboratoire a pu acquérir une machine PCR numérique pour détecter l’ADN tumoral dans le plasma des patients atteints de cancer, établir une plateforme de xénogreffes dérivées de patients et soutenir plusieurs projets de recherche au sein du laboratoire.


Institut Lady Davis de recherches médicales, Hôpital général juif

3755, Ch. Côte Ste-Catherine 
Montréal, Québec H3T 1E2

Bureau : E-421