Home - Researchers - News and Events - Scientific Retreat
Thursday May 7, 2020
8:15 am – 4:30 pm
Gelber Conference Centre
2, Carré Cummings Square (5151 Côte Sainte-Catherine)
Montréal, Québec H3W 1M6
We would like to invite you to the eleventh annual Lady Davis Institute Scientific Retreat. The goal of this retreat is to foster scientific and social interactions between students, postdocs and faculty members at the LDI. This one-day event will feature:
Keynote Address:
Gustavo Turecki, MD, PhD
Canada Research Chair in Major Depressive Disorder and Suicide – Tier 1
Scientific Director, Douglas Research Centre
Director, McGill Group for Suicide Studies, Douglas Research Centre
Co-Director, Douglas – Bell Canada Brain Bank (suicide studies), Douglas Research Centre
Head, Depressive Disorders Program, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Chief of Psychiatry, CIUSSS Montreal West Island
Chair, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Associate Member, Department of Human Genetics, McGill University
Associate Member, Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill University
Director, Réseau québécois sur le suicide, les troubles de l’humeur et les troubles associés (RQSHA)
Organizing Committee:
Marc Fabian
Alexandre Orthwein
The Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) organises together with its trainees an annual one-day Scientific Retreat – usually in May – to foster scientific and social interactions as well as networking between trainees, postdocs and researchers at the Institute.
The LDI Scientific Retreat is part of the research training of all postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows within the Institute, and prominently displays their accomplishments.
The event comprises a keynote address and presentations from principal investigators representing each of the LDI’s four research axes, followed by round-table discussions. It also features oral and poster presentations by selected trainees, with postdoctoral fellows serving as reviewers and judges.
Finally, the annual Scientific Retreat is the venue for the presentation of the following LDI Awards: Basic Researcher of the Year, Clinical or Psychosocial Researcher of the Year, Employee of the Year, the Leadership Award, Best Trainee Paper of the Year, Best Oral Presentation and Best Poster at the Retreat.
You have the power to make a difference! Your gift will support vital research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) that will translate into disease prevention, improved diagnoses, earlier detection, new and enhanced therapies, a better quality of life, wellness and hope for all of us.
Faire la différence, vous avez ce don! Votre contribution soutiendra la recherche essentielle menée à l’Institut Lady Davis qui permettra la prévention des maladies, des diagnostics plus précis, des dépistages plus rapides, des traitements innovants et plus performants, une meilleure qualité de vie, le bien-être et l’espoir pour nous tous.
Copyright © 2024 | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Jewish General Hospital
Conception et développement : Yankee Media