Important informations

Coping With Stress: An Exploration of Diverse Approaches to Assessing and Treating Mental Health

Members of the media are invited to attend the Jewish General Hospital (JGH) Department of Psychiatry Research Day on Friday, March 26, 2021 between 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM to be held virtually through Zoom.

The theme for this 15th annual research day is “Stress and coping in diverse contexts: Implications for assessment and treatment of mental health problems.” Distinguished researchers from the Lady Davis Institute (LDI) at the JGH will address diverse approaches to mental health through an examination of how stress affects a variety of circumstances.

The presenters will each give unique and timely takes on the theme, looking at how stress impacts the immigrant experience, how maternal prenatal stress affects children, and the relationship between major depression and stress. The speakers will be:

  • Dr. Rachel Kronick, psychiatrist at the JGH and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, will talk about her research on the everyday interactions between guards and immigration detainees in Canada.
  • Dr. Ashley Wazana, Clinical Director of the Early Childhood Disorders Day Hospital at the JGH and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, will talk about his work on the interaction between children’s genes and early environment in the prediction of mental illness.
  • Dr. Chris Perry, a psychotherapist at the JGH and Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, will talk about his research on stress, defenses, coping, and protective health behaviours during early COVID-19 pandemic.

“To one degree or another, stress is a factor in everybody’s life. How we manage it and adapt to it in circumstances where it may be extreme is a determining factor in mental health,” said Dr. David Dunkley of the Institute of Community and Family Psychiatry at the JGH, who coordinates the Research Day. “Our speakers will be presenting salient research on how stress impacts certain groups for whom it may be more acute, offering suggestions on how we can assess and treat our patients such that they are afforded the best care possible.”

Dr. Paola Habib, Director of Child Psychiatry at the JGH and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, will act as the discussant. The session concludes with a question and answer period.

The complete program is available on-line. Presentations will be made in English.

The conference is supported by a grant from the Gustav Levinschi Foundation.

In order to receive the Zoom link and access code, please contact: sebastien.chenier.ccomtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca.