Important informations

Core Facilities

Flow Cytometry

LDI Flow Cytometry Facility

Flow Cytometry 1

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide complete flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services in terms of experimental design, instrumentation, training, technical assistance and scientific guidance.

LDI Flow Cytometry Facility Overview

The fee-for-service LDI Flow Cytometry Facility provides researchers and clinicians with instrumentation, scientific expertise and guidance. It consists of two flow cytometer analyzers: a Sony ID7000 (a BD LSR Fortessa and a BD FACSCanto II) and a BSL 2 cell sorter (BD FACSAria Fusion). It is also equipped with an automated cell counter. The CellDrop FL cell counter (Denovix) allows accurate cell counting and cell size determination. Several flow cytometry data analysis stations are also available.

What is flow cytometry?

With an array of lasers, prisms, mirrors and filters, flow cytometry instruments enable us to look at several physical and fluorescent parameters of a single cell. These physical and fluorescent parameters can be analyzed simultaneously, and since flow cytometers can analyze hundreds of cells per second, large populations of cells can easily be quantitatively characterized. It is this parameter multiplexing capability that makes flow cytometry an extremely versatile and powerful tool for both researchers and clinicians. In addition, fluorescence activated cell sorters can physically separate these populations in different vessels or deposit single cells into a multiwell plate for cloning.

Introduction to Flow Cytometry

Flow Cytometry 2

Flow cytometry (FCM) is a versatile technology, which allows for quantification of fluorescence and structural features of particles (most commonly cells). FCM analyzers provide rapid quantitative analysis of particles in suspension or soluble proteins from serum, fractioned cells, trypsinized cells or dissociated tissue. Researchers and clinicians can obtain several statistics on a single cell and population level. Cell sorters can also analyze particles and, in addition, can physically separate cells of interest at high purity for downstream assays. A non-exhaustive list of different flow cytometry assays is listed below.

There are three major components to a flow cytometer: fluidics, optics and electronics. With exquisite pressure control and precise flow cell or nozzle design, the fluidics system hydrodynamicly focuses the sample and aligns the cells in single file. The cells then flow through the heart of the system, the interrogation point, where the fluidics meets the optics.

The optics is composed of both light excitation and light collection modules. At the interrogation point, lasers are used to scan each cell one after the other to assess their physical and fluorescent parameters. The amount of light diffracted in line with the laser (Forward Scatter; FSC) provides an indication of size and laser diffraction at about 90o (Side Scatter, SSC) provides an indication of cell complexity or granularity. In addition, cells can be labeled with reporter proteins, fluorescent dyes or fluorescently labeled antibodies, which selectively marks cells of interest. These sets of markers or color panels must be carefully chosen to be excited by the available excitation light source (lasers) and emit fluorescence at an emission wavelength of light that is distinctly collected by available band-pass filters.

The electronics components take advantage of photodiodes and ultra sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to convert light, defined by the band-pass filters, into electronic pulses. These pulses are integrated, digitalized and sent to the acquisitions station, where the data can be interpreted.

The advantage of using FCM is that it is an extremely fast system and a relatively small quantity of sample is needed. Furthermore, in multiparameter FCM, several fluorescent parameters or colors are analyzed simultaneously. We can for example identify the phenotype and ascertain viability, vitality, proliferative capacity and cell cycle state of each cell. Therefore, since thousands of cells can be quickly analyzed, we can identify extremely rare cell populations and also obtain population statistics with greater accuracy.

Flow Cytometry Applications (non-exhaustive list):

  • Apoptosis
  • Autophagy
  • Calcium flux
  • Cell signaling
  • Cell sorting
  • Cell tracking
  • Cell viability
  • Cloning
  • Detection of soluble molecules
  • DNA/Cell cycle analysis
  • Immunophenotyping
  • Intracellular pH
  • Intracellular protein detection
  • Membrane potential
  • Phagocytosis
  • Proliferation
  • Transfection / Transduction efficiency


BD FACSAria Fusion

Sony ID7000

BD LSR Fortessa


Denovix CellDrop FL Cell Counter

What is it?

Sensitive digital high-speed cell sorter

What can it do?

Flow cytometry cell sorting
Detect 20 parameters; 18 colours
4-way bulk cell sorting
Single cell sorting for cloning

What can be run?

BSL I and BLS II samples


Interchangeable nozzle
Interchangeable emission filters
Adjustable sheath pressure

Who can run this instrument?

Facility staff only

How do I book this instrument?

Contact LDI Flow Cytometry Facility staff
Complete LDI Cell Sorting Request Form

Click to enlarge image

What is it?

Full spectrum flow cytometer

What can it do?

Flow cytometry analysis
24 tube rack HTS
96/384-well plate HTS
Detects 184 parameters; 182 colors
Spectral detection from 360nm to 844nm
Analysis of virtually any fluorophore

What can be run?

BSL I samples
BSL II samples, please inquire


Spectral analysis
Virtual filter

Who can run this instrument?

Technical assistance by facility staff
Trained users

How do I book this instrument?

LDI Core Booking Calendar

Click to enlarge image

What is it?

Sensitive digital flow cytometer
equipped with a High Throughput Sampler

What can it do?

Flow cytometry analysis
96-well plate HTS
Detects 20 parameters; 18 colors

What can be run?

BSL I samples


Interchangeable emission filters

Who can run this instrument?

Technical assistance by facility staff
Trained users

How do I book this instrument?

LDI Core Booking Calendar

Click to enlarge image

What is it?

Digital clinical grade flow cytometer

What can it do?

Flow cytometry analysis
Detects 8 parameters; 6 colors

What can be run?

BSL I samples


Interchangeable emission filters

Who can run this instrument?

Technical assistance by facility staff
Trained users

How do I book this instrument?

LDI Core Booking Calendar

Click to enlarge image

What is it?

Fluorescent Cell counter

What can it do?

Automated live/dead cell counting using trypan blue or adridine orange/propidium iodide
Calculates cell diameter

What can be counted?

BSL I samples direct pipetting
BSL II samples using disposable slides



Who can run this instrument?

Trained users

How do I book this instrument?

No booking required, first come
first serve

Click to enlarge image

LDI Flow Cytometry Facility Rules of Use

  1. The flow cytometry analysis rooms, E-417 and E-507, are Biosafety Level 1 (BSL1) Labs. Samples at or above BSL2 are not permitted to be run on the flow cytometers and cell counter (BD LSR Fortessa, BD FACSCanto II and Denovix CellDrop). If you wish to run primary human, virus-infected, or any other BSL2 samples on these instruments, they must be fixed!
  2. The cell sorting room, E-417.1, is a BSL2 Lab. Users must submit the Cell Sorting Request form and, if applicable, disclose any risk factors by completing the High Risk Cell Sorting form at time of booking.
  3. Acknowledge the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility in any publications (posters, presentations, papers,…) that includes data acquired at the facility and please send us the reference.
  4. Before being issued online booking access and using LDI Flow Cytometry Facility instruments, ALL USERS MUST:
    • Be trained by an LDI Flow Cytometry Facility staff. Users are not permitted to train other new users.
    • Duly complete and file in a User Information Form.
    • Provide account information for billing purposes.
  5. Users can only use instruments on which they have been trained.
  6. Training sessions are billed per hour and the user can bring a few samples similar to those with which they will be working on. This makes the training more specific to a given application and helps address specific sample issues.
  7. Users will be charged for instrument login/logout time with a minimum charge of 15 minutes for each booking.
  8. If a user does not cancel within 24 hours of their start time and does not show up for their reservation, they will be billed double for the entire booking.
  9. Users must shutdown flow cytometers if:
    • Next user is scheduled farther than two hours away.
    • Next user is booked after 5 PM
    • The user is the last booked user of the day
  10. If users do not show up during the first half-hour of their booking, the instrument is considered available for others to use. As per statement 8, the user at fault will be billed twice for the entire booking.
  11. Users are required to use at least 75% of the booked time for reservations of less than 2 hours. As for reservations of more than 2 hour, a 30min overbooking is permitted. Repeated offenders will be billed double their booked time.
  12. Users must clear all experiments from the FACS Diva software database before logging out. Experiments left on FACS Diva will be deleted without warning by facility staff at the minimum technical assistance rate ($65.00) per user.
  13. When technical assistance is required, it will be by appointment only.
  14. Users will NOT be charged if the equipment is not functioning. Please inform local managers or the facility director immediately if there is a problem with the equipment.
  15. Users will have their privileges revoked temporarily or permanently for any misconduct, equipment misuse or non-standard manipulation; at the discretion of the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility staff.
  16. Booking priority will be given in the following order:
    • Local Users
    • McGill Users
    • Outside Users
  17. The facility director or local managers reserve the right to make final decisions where there is a question of user priority.
  18. The facility assumes no responsibility for data stored on the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility instruments and computers. Data left on the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility instruments and computers can be deleted without notice. NO CD-RW, DVD-RW or USB portable drives are allowed on any Windows OS acquisition computers as they can carry viruses.
  19. No third-party software, drivers nor plugins shall be installed on the core computer stations without prior approval of the facility manager.
  20. Users who wish to take a FlowJo license on loan must first book the dongle online. There is a 3 consecutive day limit on each FlowJo dongle loan. All license dongles must be returned before 12:00 every Friday, or last workday of the week. Weekend loans start Friday after 12:00. Your lab is responsible to provide a replacement in the event of a loss or stolen FlowJo dongle.

These rules are subject to change if deemed necessary by the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility staff.

Services and Fees


Flow Cytometry Services

Minimum Time Charged (min)

Internal McGill

External Academic

External Commercial

Sony ID7000 Full Spectrum Analyser





BD LSR Fortessa HTS Analyser





BD FACSCanto II Analyser





BD FACSAria Fusion – Cell Sorting





Denovic CellDrop Cell Counter





Analyser Technical Assistance (Additional)





Analyser Training (Additional)





Data Analysis/Consultation





The LDI core facilities uses the LDI Core Scheduler accessible through the web

The FACSAria Fusion cell sorter is operated by a core facility staff. To schedule a cell sorting experiment please follow these instructions.

LDI Students and Staff:
Please login to our LDI Core Scheduling system and book the FACSAria Fusion instrument
Fill and send the Cell Sorting Request form and the High Risk Cell Sorting form if required.
Your booking will be approved if an operator is available and form(s) received.

External Users:
Please contact the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility to make an appointment.

Trained users can operate the ID7000, LSR Fortessa, FACSCanto II and CellDrop FL Cell Counter unassisted 24/7 at the LDI Flow Cytometry Facility. To request an instrument training session, please contact the core facility by email and fill out a User Information Form.

A highly qualified LDI Flow Cytometry Facility staff can acquire and analyze your flow cytometry experiments. Please contact us to make an appointment. We will access the feasibility of your experiment and schedule your run.


Christian Young


Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Rm E-415
Jewish General Hospital
3999 Côte Ste-Catherine Road
Montreal, Qc
H3T 1E2

Scientific Director