Important informations


Lysanne Campeau's laboratory

Our research laboratory was created in January 2014 at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research on Ste-Catherine Road in Montreal. We are part of the Jewish Montreal Hospital and McGill University Division of Urology, Department of Surgery.

Our first main axis focuses on physiology and pharmacology of the lower urinary tract, in relation to benign prostatic disease and voiding dysfunction. Our team develops translational science projects using laboratory techniques (cell culture, CrisprCas9, microRNAs, confocal microscopy…) and clinical studies on cohorts of patients with these conditions.

Our second axis is centered on prostate cancer. In partnership with the head of the Urology department, we use CODEX immune-histochemistry and SOMAscan to analyze the inflammatory pattern of prostate biopsies from male patients before and after treatment by focal therapy. This project aims to improve prognosis of prostate cancer

The main source of funding is the Canadian Urological Association, the Quebec Network for the Research on Aging (RQRV) and the JGH Foundation.

Meet the Team

The Chantal Autexier Laboratory

From left to right: Chantal Autexier, Jian Qin, Adrian Young, Patrick Lambert-Lanteigne, Linda Pallotto, Alexandre Garus.


Over the years, we have developed an expertise in basic and clinical science, developing many different techniques applied to the study of the urogenital tract.

Laboratory research involved animal handling (physiological recordings and surgeries) and bench protocols. Models of voiding dysfunction have been developed in the animal quarters using colonies of rats (Sprague-Dawley) and mice (TallyHo, SWR, Streptozotocin-treated). Surgeries include insertion of a polyethylene catheter inside the bladder for cystometry and partial urethral obstruction. Cystometry provides information on bladder characteristics in vivo during miction and is associated to organ baths that allow to measure contractile properties of bladder strips in a control environment (Krebs-Ringer medium under oxygen saturation). Besides commonly used protocols (immunoblotting, confocal immunohistochemistry, qPCR…), we have developed biomolecular tools, including isolation and characterization of microRNAs, genomic deletion  by CrisprCas9 that we performed both on primary cell cultures and in vivo. Translational clinical research is performed using urine and blood samples for metabolomics, proteomics and miRNAs characterization.

Our second area of research is centered on prostate cancer. Patients at the Urology Department of the Jewish Hospital undergo focal therapy to treat prostate cancer cells. Biopsies before and after the treatment are analyzed by multiplex immune-histochemistry (CODEX) using oligonucleotide-conjugated antibodies to measure up to 60 markers and SOMAscan to analyze the proteomic profile of biopsies. The analysis focuses on immune cells, myeloid derived suppressor cells and tumor-associated macrophages, cells that promote bladder cancer. These techniques allow better prognosis after therapy.


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 


Lysanne Campeau 2

Philippe Cammisotto

Research Associate

I obtained my BSc in pharmacology at University of Sherbrooke and graduated from University of Montreal with a MSc in pharmaceutical sciences in Prof. Huy Ong’s laboratory developing a ligand screening method for the CD36 receptor using SPR (surface plasmon resonance) biosensor. I then worked for Prof. Arnim Pause at McGill University trying to elucidate the interaction pattern between the folliculin protein with its binding partner AMPK. I then joined Prof. Chantal Autexier’s laboratory as a research assistant where I work in telomere biology, manage the lab and mentor undergraduate and graduate students. I helped characterize the binding pocket of two telomerase domain/motifs, IFD and TEN, with its binding partner TPP1, and I now focus on the telomerase-independent alternative lengthening of telomere mechanism. 

Research Associates

Lysanne Campeau 2

Jeremy Liu

PhD student

I received a BSc in Molecular Biology & Genetics from McMaster University in 2017. I am currently studying how mutations of dyskerin, a telomerase-associated protein, affect its interaction with other proteins, subcellular localization, and telomerase RNA abundance.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Sami Lasri

Master's student

I am a Belizean pursuing a PhD in Anatomy and Cell biology at McGill University in Montreal. I completed my BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology and my MSc in Biochemistry at Memorial University in Newfoundland Canada. My research interest involves increased understanding stem and cancer cell dynamics and redox biology to be applied to therapeutics for health span extension.

PhD Students

Lysanne Campeau 2

Rayane Kassem

Post-doctoral fellow

I come from Brazil, where I graduated in Biochemical Engineering at the Federal University of Paraná. I have more than four years of professional experience in manufacturing and quality assurance of reagents for molecular diagnostics. Now I’m interested in better understanding the role of the protein dyskerin and H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complexes in regulating telomere biology and cellular aging.

Linda Pallotto

Linda Pallotto

Team Arsenic

Linda completed her BSc in Biology at the University of Waterloo. During her undergraduate degree, she worked as a co-op student in the lab of Dr. Paul Mains where her project used C. elegans to describe gene variants that cause drug resistance in parasitic nematodes. After graduating, she worked for a year in the lab of Dr. Ryan Yuen at SickKids in Toronto investigating short tandem repeat expansions using Nanopore and Sanger sequencing. She is now pursuing her MSc in the Autexier lab and is interested in how a region of telomerase, known as the insertions in fingers domain (IFD), is involved in its localization and activity at the telomeres. When not in lab, Linda enjoys listening to music or watching movies while she knits.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Madelyn Abraham

Team Lymphoma

Madelyn is a PhD student in the department of Experimental Medicine. She uses mouse modelling to study Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma. In particular, she has found that mutations in the transcription factor STAT6 are enriched at disease relapse, and I study how this contributes to remodeling of the tumour microenvironment.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Rowa Bakadlag

Team Tungsten

Rowa is a PhD candidate in the department of Experimental Medicine. She completed her BSc in Microbiology and Immunology in Saudi Arabia, then completed two MScs in Genetics and Parasitology at McGill University. Her work investigates tungsten toxicity focusing on SLC2A2 as a transporter and the effects on mature B lymphocytes.

MSc Students

Lysanne Campeau 2

Vincenza Caruana

Team Vaping

Vincenza is an MSc. Student in the Department of Pharmacology. She completed her BSc. in Pharmacology at McGill University. Her project aims to elucidate the role of e-cigarette use on the murine cardiopulmonary system. Specifically, she is focusing on metal deposition in the lungs, and the progression of atherosclerosis due to these exposures.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Ayse Nazli Zengin

Team Arsenic

Nazli Zengin is an MSc. student in the Department of Pharmacology. She has a background in pharmacology and environment. Her work currently focuses on elucidating how sex and diet modulate arsenic toxicity and its immunological and cardiovascular consequences.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Andrew Little

Team Arsenic

Andrew is an MSc. student in the Department of Pharmacology who graduated from the B.Sc. program in Biochemistry at McGill in 2021. He works on a proteomics project centred around Arsenic 3-Methyltransferase and the question about whether it serves an additional function.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Raymond Tu

Team Tungsten

Raymond is an MSc. Student in the Department of Pharmacology who completed his BSc. in Environmental Health Sciences from the UNC Chapel Hill as a as a Morehead-Cain Scholar. He received the McCall MacBain Scholarship in 2021. His project studies the mechanism of tungsten on mTORC1, a major regulator of cell growth and proliferation.

Lysanne Campeau 2

Nikola Kukolj

Team Arsenic

Nikola is an incoming MSc Student who completed his undergraduate degree in
Microbiology and Immunology at McGill University. He is currently working on an NSERC
summer project that assesses the functional characterization of macrophages exposed to arsenic using murine bone marrow-derived macrophages.

Undergraduate Students

Lysanne Campeau 2

Roni Juran

Team Vaping

Roni is a second-year BSc student in Chemistry at McGill. As an undergraduate student, she works on various projects across the lab, but is currently focused elucidating the correlation between nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and vaping.

Past team members

PhD students
  • Abubakr Mossa
MSc students
  • Stéphanie Sirmakesyan
  • Aya Hajj
  • Claudia Covarrubias
  • Aalya Hamouda
  • Benjamin Desormeau
  • Monica Velasquez-Flores


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 


Our laboratory possesses the equipment for the process of histology and histochemistry and has access to the LDI Cell Imaging Facility under the supervision of Marie-Lyne Fillion (confocal microscope and LSM800 Airyscan). RT-qPCR for the quantitation of RNA and microRNAs is carried out at the Segal Cancer Center and we have developed CrisprCas9 expertise for genomic edition. More traditional techniques are also present in our laboratory, immunoblotting, RTPCR, primary cell cultures… We possess two organ baths allowing measurements of bladder strip contractility (2 machines in total). We have developed several models of bladder dysfunction in rats (partial bladder obstruction) and mice (streptozotocin induced type 1 diabetes, TallyHo) and the animal quarters of the LDI provide support and expertise on animal handling and surgeries.

For prostate cancer research, we have access to immune-histochemistry CODEX apparatus and SOMAscan for sensitive proteomic analysis inside the LDI.


Contemporary research has uncovered a role for environmental copper in the development and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Previous research implicated non-ceruloplasmin bound copper in the aggravation of neurodegenerative phenotypes. Our research explores the role of copper in ALS progression through monitoring of copper biomarkers and analyses of copper metabolism gene expression.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 



  • Covarrubias C, Cammisotto PG, Shamout S, Campeau L. Precursor of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is decreased in the urine of aging female patients with overactive bladder. Metabolites (accepted).
  • Fugaru I, Di Re L, Edvi M, Campeau L, Jednak R, El-Sherbiny M, Capolicchio JP. Voiding efficiency in children is significantly impaired by the presence of the urethral catheter during pressure flow studies. Journal of Pediatric Urology (accepted with minor revisions).
  • Sirmakesyan S, Hamouda A, Hajj A, Cammisotto PG, Campeau L. Synthesis and secretion of NGF is regulated by Nitric Oxide through cyclic GMP and metalloproteinases in bladder cells in vitro. Cellular Signalling (submitted).
  • Shamout S, Dragomir A, Campeau L. A Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Bladder Management Strategies in Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction After Spinal Cord Injury: A Publicly Funded Healthcare Perspective. Spinal Cord. 2023 Apr;61(4):269-275.


  • Abrahami D, Tesfaye H, Yin H, Vine S, Hicks B, Yu OHY, Campeau L, Platt R, Schneeweiss S, Patorno E, Azoulay L. Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter 2 inhibitors and the Short-term Risk of Bladder Cancer: An International Multi-Site Cohort Study. Diabetes Care 2022 Sept 28.
  • Cammisotto PG, Mossa AH, Shamout S, Campeau L. Urinary levels of miR-491-5p and miR-592 as potential diagnostic biomarkers in female aging patients with OAB: a pilot study. Metabolites 2022 Aug 31;12(9):820.
  • Bouchard B, Campeau L. Quality, Value and Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome. Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports 2022.
  • Luu BE, Mossa AH, Cammisotto PG, Saragovi HU, Campeau L. Modulation of diabetic kidney disease markers by an antagonist of p75NTR in streptozotocin-treated mice. Gene 2022 Sept 5;838:146729.
  • Nguyen LN, Randhawa H, Nadeau G, Cox A, Hickling D, Campeau L, Li J, Welk B, Carlson K. Canadian Urological Association best practice report: diagnosis and management of nocturia. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2022 Jul;16(7):E336-349.
  • Mossa A, Cammisotto PG, Velasquez-Flores M, Campeau L. Adaptation to partial urethral obstruction in health aging LOU rats and the role of nerve growth factor signaling pathway in the bladder. Experimental Gerontology. 2022 Jan;157:111625.


  • Murugagoopathy V, Cammisotto PG, Mossa AH, Campeau L, Gupta IR. Osr1 is required for mesenchymal derivatives that produce collagen in the bladder. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021 Nov;22(22):12387.
  • Fogaing C, Al-Sulihem A, Campeau L, Corcos J. Is Early Surgical Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Preferable to Prolonged Medical Therapy: Pros and Cons. Medicina 2021 Apr 9;57(4):368.
  • Mossa AH, Abdaem J, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Deleterious impact of Nerve Growth Factor Precursor (proNGF) on bladder urothelial and smooth muscle cells. Cellular Signalling 2021 May;81:109936.
  • Redmond EJ, Nadeau G, Tu LM, Doiron RC, Steele SS, Herschorn S, Locke JA, Maciejewski C, Dwyer NT, Campeau L, Carlson KV, Rourke K. Multi-centered assessment of clinical outcomes and factors associated with failure of the adjustable transobturator male system (ATOMS). Urology. 2021 Feb;148:280-286.
  • Mossa AH, Velasquez-Flores M, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Receptor GPR91 contributes to voiding function and detrusor relaxation mediated by succinate. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2021 Jan;40(1):120-130.


  • Mossa AH, Fogaing C, Campeau L. Are beta 3 adrenergic agonists now the preferred pharmacologic management of overactive bladder? Current Urology Reports. 2020 October 22;21(12):49.
  • Mossa AH, Cammisotto PG, Shamout S, Campeau L. Imbalance of nerve growth factor metabolism in aging women with overactive bladder syndrome. World Journal of Urology. 2020 Sep 1.
  • Mossa AH, Galan A, Cammisotto P, Velasquez Flores M, Shamout S, Barcelona P, Saragovi HU, Campeau L. Antagonism of proNGF or its receptor p75NTR reverses remodeling and improves bladder function in a mouse model of diabetic voiding dysfunction. Diabetologia 2020 Sep;63(9):1932-1946.
  • LeBerre M, Presse N, Huyu Y, Reid I, Morin M, Larouche M, Campeau L, Dumoulin C. What do we really know about the role of caffeine on urinary tract symptoms? A scoping review on caffeine consumption and lower urinary tract symptoms in adults. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2020 Jun;39(5):1217-1233.
  • Campeau L, Shamout S, Baverstock R, Carlson K, Elterman D, Hickling D, Steele S, Welk B. Canadian Urological Association Best Practice Report: Catheter Use, Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2020 Jul;14(7):E281-E289.
  • Fraser M, Smith P, Sullivan M, Bjorling D, Campeau L, Andersson KE, Yoshiyama M. Best Practices for Cystometric Evaluation of Lower Urinary Tract Function in Muriform Rodents. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2020 Aug;39(6):1868-1884.
  • *Mossa AH, Shamout S, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Urinary metabolomics biomarkers predict the severity of overactive bladder syndrome in an aging female population. International Urogynecology Journal. 2020 May;31(5):1023-1031.


  • Andersson KE, Longstreth J, Brucker BM, Campeau L, Cheng L, Francis L, Fein S. Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Properties of a Micro-Dose Nasal Spray Formulation of Desmopressin (AV002) in Healthy Water-Loaded Subjects. Pharmaceutical Research, 2019 Apr 29;36(6):92.
  • Kavanagh A, Baverstock R, Campeau L, Carlson K, Cox A, Hickling D, Nadeau G, Stothers L, Welk B. Canadian Urological Association guideline for the diagnosis, management, and surveillance of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2019 Jun;13(6):E157-E176.
  • Kavanagh A, Baverstock R, Campeau L, Carlson K, Cox A, Hickling D, Nadeau G, Stothers L, Welk B. Canadian Urological Association guideline for the diagnosis, management, and surveillance of neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction – Executive Summary. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2019 Jun;13(6):156-165.
  • *Shamout S, Huang YK, Kabbara H, Corcos J, Campeau L. Short-Term Evaluation of the Adjustable Bulbourethral Male Sling for Post-Prostatectomy Urinary Incontinence. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms 2019 Apr;11(2):O111-O116.


  • *Mossa AH, Velasquez-Flores M, Nguyen H, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Beta-3 adrenoceptor signaling pathways in urothelial and smooth muscle cells in the presence of succinate. Journal of Pharmacological Experimental Therapeutics. 2018 Nov;367(2):252-259.
  • *Shamout S, Andonian S, Kabbara H, Corcos J, Campeau L. Teaching and Evaluation of Basic Urodynamic Skills in Urology Residency Programs: A Randomized Controlled Study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Nov;37(8):2724-2731.
  • *Shamout S, Nhaza S, Dragomir A, Campeau L. A Cost-Utility Analysis of Artificial Urinary Sphincter Versus Advance Male Sling in Post Prostatectomy Stress Urinary Incontinence: A Publicly Funded Health Care Perspective. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Sep;37(7):2195-2203.
  • *Velasquez-Flores M, Mossa AH, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Succinate decreases bladder dysfunction in a rat model associated with metabolic syndrome. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Jun;37(5):1549-1558.
  • *Przydacz M, Campeau L, Walter JE, Corcos J. How long do we have to treat overactive bladder syndrome (OAB)? A questionnaire survey of Canadian urologists and gynecologists. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2018 May 14.
  • *Velasquez-Flores M, Mossa AH, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Bladder Overdistension with Polyuria in a Hypertensive Rat Model. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Mar 31.
  • Urinology Think Tank Writing Group: Jonathan Barasch, Tamara Bavendam, Lori Birder, Charles A. Buffington, Lysanne Campeau, Roger Dmochowski, Stephen M. Hewitt, Warren G. Hill, Deborah K. Hoshizaki, Jayoung Kim, Jon Klein, Jenna M. Norton, Patrick Seed, Joseph Williams, Weiqun Yu, and Robert Star. Urine: Waste product or biologically active? Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Mar;37(3):1162-1168.
  • Lam Van Ba O, Barbe MF, Caremel R, Aharony S, Loutochin O, Jacques L, Wood MW, Tiwari E, Tuite GF, Campeau L, Corcos J, Ruggieri MR. Lumbar to sacral rout rerouting to restore bladder function in a feline spinal cord injury model: urodynamic and retrograde nerve tracing results from a pilot study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018 Jan;37(1):153-162.


  • *Biardeau X, Hached S, Loutochin O, Campeau L, Sawan M, Corcos J. Montreal electronic artificial urinary sphincters: Our futuristic alternatives to the AMS800. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2017 Oct;11(10):E396-404.
  • Hicks B, Klil-Dori AJ, Yin H, Campeau L, Azoulay L. Androgen Deprivation Therapy and the Risk of Anemia in Men with Prostate Cancer. Epidemiology. 2017 Sep;28(5):712-8.
  • *Mossa AH, Velasquez-Flores M, Cammisotto P, Campeau L. Succinate, increased in metabolic syndrome, activates GPR91 receptor signaling in urothelial cells. Cellular Signalling. 2017 May 26;37:31-39.
  • *Shamout S, Campeau L. Stress urinary incontinence in women: Current and emerging therapeutic options. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2017 Jun;11(6Suppl2):S155-S158.
  • *Biardeau X, Lam O, Ba V, Campeau L, Corcos J. Prospective evaluation of anxiety, pain, and embarrassment associated with cystoscopy and urodynamic testing in clinical practice. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2017 Mar-Apr;11(3-4):104-110.
  • Corcos J, Przydacz M, Campeau L, Gray G, Hickling D, Honeine C, Radomski SB, Stothers L, Wagg A. Appendix: Executive summary of CUA guideline on adult overactive bladder. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2017 May;11(5):E248-E249. Epub 2017 May 9.
  • Corcos J and Przydacz M, Campeau L, Gray G, Hickling D, Honeine C, Radomski SB, Stothers L, Wagg A. CUA Guidelines on Adult Overactive Bladder. Canadian Urological Association Journal. 2017 May;11(5):E142-E173.
  • Cameron AP, Campeau L, Brucker BM, Clemens JQ, Bales GT, Albo ME, Kennelley MJ. Best practice policy statement on Urodynamic antibiotic prophylaxis in the non-index patient. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2017 Apr;36(4):915-926.
  • *Biardeau X, Campeau L, Corcos J. We should not use oxybutynin chloride in OAB. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2017 March;36(3):822-3.
  • *Shamout S, Biardeau X, Corcos J, Campeau L. Outcome comparison of different approaches to self-intermittent catheterization in neurogenic patients: a systematic review. Spinal Cord. 2017 January 24. Awarded Spinal Cord Best Review Paper Award 2017.
  • *Biardeau X, Przydacz M, Aharony S, Loutochin G, Campeau L, Kyheng M, Corcos J. Early Fesoterodine Fumarate Administration Prevents Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity in a Spinal Cord Transected Rat Model. PloSONE. 2017 January 6; 12(1).


  • Brucker BM, Campeau L, Fong E, Kalra S, Rosenblum N, Nitti VW. B Radiation Exposure During Videourodynamics: Establishing Risk Factors. Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Epub 2016 December 19. 2018 May;10(2):181-185.
  • *Biardeau X, Aharony S, the AUS Consensus Group, Campeau L and Corcos J. Overview of the 2015 ICS Consensus Conference. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2016 Apr;35(4):437-43.
  • *Biardeau X, Aharony S, the AUS Consensus Group, Campeau L and Corcos J. Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Executive Summary of the 2015 Consensus Conference. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2016 Apr;35 Suppl 2:S5-7.
  • *Biardeau X, Aharony S, the AUS Consensus Group, Campeau L and Corcos J. Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Report of the 2015 Consensus Conference. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2016 Apr;35 Suppl 2:S8-24.


  • *Aharony S, Campeau L. Urinary incontinence: A condition that does not discriminate. The Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 2015 May;32(2).
  • *Yu A, Campeau L. Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Voiding Dysfunction. Current Urology Reports 2015 Jul;16(7):516.


  • Campeau L. Urodynamics in Stress Incontinence – When are they necessary and how do we use them? Urology Clinics 2014 Aug;41(3):393-8 Epub 2014 Jun 10.


Uri Saragovi, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Indra Gupta, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Jeremy Burton, Western University, London, Canada

Stephane Bolduc, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Lori Lerner, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, USA

Gilles Karsenty, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime mollitia, molestiae quas vel sint commodi repudiandae consequuntur voluptatum laborum numquam blanditiis harum quisquam eius sed odit fugiat iusto fuga praesentium optio, eaque rerum! Provident similique accusantium nemo autem. Veritatis obcaecati tenetur iure eius earum ut molestias architecto voluptate aliquam nihil, eveniet aliquid culpa officia aut! Impedit sit sunt quaerat, odit, tenetur error, harum nesciunt ipsum debitis quas aliquid. Reprehenderit, quia. Quo neque error repudiandae fuga? Ipsa laudantium molestias eos sapiente officiis modi at sunt excepturi expedita sint? Sed quibusdam recusandae alias error harum maxime adipisci amet laborum. Perspiciatis minima nesciunt dolorem! Officiis iure rerum voluptates a cumque velit quibusdam sed amet tempora. Sit laborum ab, eius fugit doloribus tenetur fugiat, temporibus enim commodi iusto libero magni deleniti quod quam consequuntur! 

  1. How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics. Popp, R., Basik, M., Spatz, A., Batist, G., Zahedi, R.P., Borchers, C.H., 2018. Analyst Clin. Chem. 64, 1271–1272. 143, 2197–2203.
  2. Immuno-MALDI-TOF-MS in the Clinic. Zahedi, R.P., Parker, C.E., Borchers, C.H., 2018.


Dr. Lysanne Campeau

Dr. Lysanne Campeau

Career Awards


  • Kathryn Rolph Award: In recognition of her outstanding achievements and leadership, contributing to the advancement of the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University


  • Young Urologist of the year Award: American Urological Association – Young Urologist Committee

Jian Qin

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

Deanna MacNeil

  • CIHR CGS-M, CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Tsz Wai (Josephine) Chu 

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship
  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Johanna Mancini

  • FRQS doctoral award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Yasmin D’Souza

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

May Shawi

  • CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Marie Eve Brault

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Maria Antonietta Cerone

  • US Army Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Award

Tara Moriarty

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

Sylvain Huard

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

François Bachand

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

Distinctions and Research Awards


  • Best ePoster at the Société Internationale d’Urolgie 42nd Congress November 9-13 2022


  • Best abstract in the Basic Science category at the 7th Annual Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium April 30, 2022


  • Best basic science abstract – Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine and Urogenital Reconstruction Annual meeting Annual Meeting 2022


  • Best abstract in the Translational Science category at the 6th Annual Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium April 29, 2021


  • Best Reviewer in 2019 Award, Journal of Urology


  • Spinal Cord Best Review Paper Award for papers published in 2017, Spinal Cord (Nature Journal)


  • American Urological Association 2018 Annual Meeting: Best Poster


  • International Continence Society Annual Meeting 2017: Best Abstract in category


  • Honor, Early Career Investigators Showcase Speaker, American Urological Association 2017 Annual Meeting

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship

Undergraduate students

Hannah Chui

  • NSERC USRA recipientCIHR CGS-M Award

Dominique Rinfret

  • NSERC USRA recipient

Michelle Shen

  • NSERC USRA recipient

Ricky Kwan

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Toronto Dominion Bank Studentship

Yasmin D’Souza

  • CIHR Doctoral Award

May Shawi

  • CIHR Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Marie Eve Brault

  • FRQS Doctoral Award, Cole Foundation Studentship

Johans Fakhoury

  • McGill University Faculty of Medicine Internal Studentship

  • CIHR McGill Cancer Center Consortium/McGill Integrated Cancer Research Training Program Studentship


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

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  1. How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics. Popp, R., Basik, M., Spatz, A., Batist, G., Zahedi, R.P., Borchers, C.H., 2018. Analyst Clin. Chem. 64, 1271–1272. 143, 2197–2203.
  2. Immuno-MALDI-TOF-MS in the Clinic. Zahedi, R.P., Parker, C.E., Borchers, C.H., 2018.


Dr. Wilson Miller, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Sonia del Rincon, Lady Davis Institute, Montreal

Dr. Carolyn Baglole, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Jun Ding, RI-MUHC, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Susan Gaskin, Dep’t of Chemical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Bernard Robaire, Dep’t of Pharmacology McGill University, Montreal

Dr. Brandon Pearson, Columbia University, New York

Dr. John Wise, University of Louisville, Kentucky

Our research was supported by a grant from the Fonds de Recherche Québec Santé, the Canadian Urological Association Scholarship Foundation, from the Quebec Network for the Research on Aging (RQRV) and student scholarships from the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, CIHR and FRQS.

The prostate cancer research is supported through the JGH Foundation.


Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital

3755 Côte Ste-Catherine Road
Montreal, Quebec H3T 1E2

Location: F-426

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