You have the power to make a difference! Your gift will support vital research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) that will translate into disease prevention, earlier and more precise diagnoses, earlier detection, new and enhanced therapies, personalized treatments, a better quality of life, wellness, and hope for all of us.
The timing could not be better as the Jewish General Hospital (JGH) Foundation is currently running a $125 million campaign to empower groundbreaking research and innovation at the JGH/LDI. The campaign will support:
You have the power to make a difference! Your gift will support vital research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) that will translate into disease prevention, improved diagnoses, earlier detection, new and enhanced therapies, a better quality of life, wellness and hope for all of us.
Faire la différence, vous avez ce don! Votre contribution soutiendra la recherche essentielle menée à l’Institut Lady Davis qui permettra la prévention des maladies, des diagnostics plus précis, des dépistages plus rapides, des traitements innovants et plus performants, une meilleure qualité de vie, le bien-être et l’espoir pour nous tous.
Copyright © 2024 | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Jewish General Hospital
Conception et développement : Yankee Media