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Andre J. Mouland

Andrew J. Mouland, PhD

Molecular & Regenerative Medicine

AIDS/HIV, Gene expression, Immunology, Infectious diseases, Retroviruses, RNA biology, RNA trafficking, RNA virus, Therapeutics, Virus-host interactions
  • Senior Investigator and Head of the HIV-1 RNA Trafficking Laboratory, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
  • Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease, McGill University
  • Associate Member, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, McGill University
  • Associate Director,  McGill Centre for Viral Diseases

Contact details

(514) 340-8260 (office)
(514) 340-8222 ext. 25294 (lab)


Andrew J. Mouland is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of RNA and cell biology of HIV-1/AIDS.

His lab was the first to define how HIV-1 genomic RNA traffics intracellularly and how HIV-1 prevents various types of stress responses in cells.

His current focus is on how HIV-1 commandeers major host cell machineries to its advantage.

Andrew J. Mouland is head of the HIV-1 RNA Trafficking Laboratory and member of the McGill Centre for Viral Diseases at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI), Associate Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology and Immunology at McGill University, and Adjunct Professor at the Université de Montréal. He is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of HIV-1 RNA and cell biology.

Andrew Mouland has obtained career awards from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) as a New Investigator (2003-2008) and from the FRSQ as Chercheur-boursier senior (2008-2010). He is a member of several McGill University academic and executive committees, has chaired several committees at the LDI, and has served on advisory and grant review committees for the CIHR. He is Associate Editor at Retrovirology, reviews grant requests for CIHR, NSERC, CANFAR, AmFAR, SARS-CoV streams, and reviews articles for journals such as the Nature Communications, Cell Reports, Nucleic Acids ResearchRetrovirology, and has served as an advisor to Canadian publishing houses. He has chaired and organized the 2013 International conference on HIV-1 Nucleocapsid, 1st International conference on stress granules in human and viral disease (2014) and an American Society for Cell Biology summer conference on The Cell Biology of HIV-1 and Other Retroviruses (2006).

Major Research Activities

Andrew J. Mouland runs a medium-sized lab with young and highly talented trainees and staff.


The Mouland lab focuses on the molecular and cellular biology of RNA viruses, in particular the human immunodeficiency virus – type 1 (HIV-1), the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is now established that HIV-1, like all viruses, commandeers major host machineries and coopts several host proteins for replication. One of our main research focuses is the further identification of host machineries and proteins involved in the fate and metabolism of viral RNAs. Specifically, we have identified several key cellular proteins that are involved in the fate of HIV-1 RNA in the cell. These proteins mark HIV-1 RNAs following their synthesis and are involved in the trafficking of HIV-1 RNAs from the nucleus into the cytosol, then to sites of viral assembly and finally, into the virus.


We are also interested in characterizing protein-protein and protein-RNA complexes generated by liquid-liquid phase separation in infected cells. Using biochemical, genetic in vitro and in vivo techniques combined with high resolution microscopy, we elucidate the mechanisms by which viral RNAs are synthesized, trafficked, metabolized and used in major host cell machineries.


These studies will lead to a better understanding of fundamental host cell processes (e.g., mRNA trafficking, translation, metabolism, vesicular trafficking) as well as to a more profound understanding on how RNA viruses replicate efficiently in host cells. A long-term goal is to identify and develop candidate therapeutics targeting these processes.

  • RNA virus molecular and cellular biology;
  • RNA virus evasion of host cell anti-viral responses;
  • RNA-binding proteins and virus host interactions; and
  • Virus-mediated RNA-protein condensation via liquid-liquid phase separation.

Recent Publications and References