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David Dunkley is an internationally recognized scientist in the field of cognitive-personality vulnerability to psychopathology. His research examines stress, coping, and emotion regulation processes that might explain why personal standards (PS) and self-criticism (SC) dimensions of perfectionism are instigating and/or maintaining factors of depressive symptoms in nonclinical community adults and depressed patients. His recent research has tested a single-session explanatory feedback intervention, derived from the Perfectionism Coping Processes Model.
The primary goal of David Dunkley’s research has been to examine the mechanisms through which perfectionism is a cognitive-personality vulnerability factor to depression. His research examines stress, coping, and emotion regulation processes that might explain why personal standards (PS) and self-criticism (SC) dimensions of perfectionism are instigating and/or maintaining factors of depressive symptoms in nonclinical community adults and depressed patients. His recent research has tested a single-session explanatory feedback intervention, derived from the Perfectionism Coping Processes Model. The findings of his research have highlighted influential instigating and maintaining processes and contribute to identifying specific targets for prevention efforts and improvement of existing clinical interventions for depressed patients.
Dunkley, D. M., Richard, A., Tobin, R., Saucier, A., Gossack, A., Zuroff, D. C., Moskowitz, D. S., Foley, J. E., Russell, J. J. (in press). Journal of Counseling Psychology. doi:10.1037/cou0000691.
Dunkley, D. M., Starrs, C. J., Gouveia, L., & Moroz, M. (2020). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67, 736-746. doi:10.1037/cou0000425.
Dunkley, D. M., Lewkowski, M. D., Lee, I. A., Preacher, K. J., Zuroff, D. C., Berg, J., Foley, J. E., Myhr, G., & Westreich, R. (2017). Behavior Therapy, 48, 349-365. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2016.06.001.
Dunkley, D. M., Mandel, T., & Ma, D. (2014). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 616-633. doi:10.1037/cou0000036.
Dunkley, D. M., Ma, D., Lee, I. A., Preacher, K. J., & Zuroff, D. C. (2014). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 61, 93-109. doi:10.1037/a0034673.
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