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Phyllis Zelkowitz is an expert in the field of perinatal mental health.
She initiated an annual JGH Department of Psychiatry Research Day, to share the results of research being done in its department with health professionals in the community, putting particular emphasis on the implications and relevance of this research for clinical practice.
Her research has drawn attention to the high rates of postpartum depression among immigrant women.
Phyllis Zelkowitz’s research interests are in the field of perinatal mental health and reproductive health. Her research program includes longitudinal studies of maternal mental health and infant development in the context of preterm birth and the study of perinatal depression in women and their partners.
Phyllis Zelkowitz was the Principal Investigator of a CIHR Emerging Team Grant in Perinatal Mental Health. This grant research program combined multiple methods in the study of perinatal mental illness, linking adverse life circumstances, hormonal, physiological, and epigenetic risk factors to maternal mental health problems, which in turn may affect the mother-infant relationship. For more information, please visit the Perinatal Mental Health Team’s website.
More recently, Phyllis Zelkowitz has turned her attention to the study of social and psychological issues related to infertility. Her CIHR-funded research program has led to the development of mobile health interventions to provide information and support for men and women with fertility concerns.. For more information, please visit the Infotility website at
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