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The LDI Research Grants Office provides strong leadership support to the LDI/JGH/CIUSSS West Central Montreal’s research community throughout the research administration process, from proposal development and submission to award approval and management. It liaises with the JGH/LDI researchers, trainees, granting agencies and the McGill University academic units, overseeing every step of a grant’s lifecycle from pre-proposal reviews, feedback to researchers, through post-award grants, administrative supervision (re: the scientific internal-peer reviews) and close-out.
LDI researchers have access to the Research Grants Office for assistance in any of the following areas:
At the LDI, all applications to provincial, national or international agencies are subject to an internal Grant Review and to the LDI Internal Deadline for Grant Applications, to ensure the best possible results.
You have the power to make a difference! Your gift will support vital research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) that will translate into disease prevention, improved diagnoses, earlier detection, new and enhanced therapies, a better quality of life, wellness and hope for all of us.
Faire la différence, vous avez ce don! Votre contribution soutiendra la recherche essentielle menée à l’Institut Lady Davis qui permettra la prévention des maladies, des diagnostics plus précis, des dépistages plus rapides, des traitements innovants et plus performants, une meilleure qualité de vie, le bien-être et l’espoir pour nous tous.
Copyright © 2024 | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Jewish General Hospital
Conception et développement : Yankee Media