The LDI is among Canada’s leading health research institutes. Through their fundamental and clinical investigations, our scientists and clinicians make significant discoveries, lead important provincial and national research programs, and train emerging scientists who, themselves, are recognized for the excellence of their work, contributing to the health and well-being of patients in Quebec, Canada, and around the world.
At the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI), equity, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of who we are. We are committed to provide people working in the LDI community with exemplary, highest quality of work and learning environments that are healthy, equitable and inclusive, free from all forms of discrimination and where every person can feel welcomed and recognized, but also involved and contributing to the present and the future of the LDI.
Discover our 200+ regular and associated investigators and their research, as well as the many services we provide across the spectrum of the research process.
We offer the 250+ graduate and postdoctoral students who come to the LDI each year an open, collaborative, and multidisciplinary training environment that fosters excellence.
The close collaboration between researchers, clinicians, and patients is at the basis of the most successful research programs and clinical trials at the LDI.
At the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI), equity, diversity and inclusion are at the heart of who we are. We are committed to provide people working in the LDI community with exemplary, highest quality of work and learning environments that are healthy, equitable and inclusive, free from all forms of discrimination and where every person can feel welcomed and recognized, but also involved and contributing to the present and the future of the LDI.
Le #FRQ est fier d'appuyer les recherches de la Dre Sonia del Rincon @LDI_ILD @mcgillu @McgillGBDO @MelanomaCanada!
#communautéFRQ #recherchecancer #MNK1
@QuebecScience @SRC_CRS @oncopole @McGill_VPRI @McGillGCI @McGill_DCE @frqs1
Congratulations to FHS faculty members for successfully securing a 2024 CIHR Project Grant:
- Adjunct Prof Brittany Barker + Prof Bohdan Nosyk
- Assoc Prof Travis Salway
- Prof Robert Hogg
#SFUFHS #SFUResearch #HIV #SubstanceUse #LGBTQIAHealth #MentalHealth #PerinatalHealth
This Thursday!
On #WorldCancerDay2025 a reminder that Terry Fox's Marathon of Hope continues & requires our help to complete the race and achieve the goal of ending cancer via funding life saving research
You have the power to make a difference! Your gift will support vital research at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research (LDI) that will translate into disease prevention, improved diagnoses, earlier detection, new and enhanced therapies, a better quality of life, wellness and hope for all of us.
Faire la différence, vous avez ce don! Votre contribution soutiendra la recherche essentielle menée à l’Institut Lady Davis qui permettra la prévention des maladies, des diagnostics plus précis, des dépistages plus rapides, des traitements innovants et plus performants, une meilleure qualité de vie, le bien-être et l’espoir pour nous tous.
Copyright © 2024 | Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research/Jewish General Hospital
Conception et développement : Yankee Media