Aucun résultat
Melissa Henry is an Associate Professor in the Gerald Bronfman Department of Oncology. She is a FRQS Senior Clinician-Scientist and a psychologist in the Department of Psychology and in the Louise-Granofsky Psychosocial Oncology Program of the Segal Cancer Centre at the Jewish General Hospital.
Her research program aims to better conceptualize early determinants of mental health in oncology, leading to the development and testing of interventions to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Her work combines translational research with a major focus on advanced cancer and head and neck oncology. She developed the FACT/MBIS McGill Body Image Concern Scale – Head and Neck, part of the internationally known FACT Measurement System.
She was Co-Director of Axis 1 on optimizing quality of life and is currently the Director of the Equity and Access Axis of the FRQS-funded Quebec Research Group in Palliative and End-of-Life Care (RQSPAL), a group comprising of over 250 researchers, students, and staff across the province of Quebec. Professor Henry has received funding from the Canadian Institute for Health Research, the Fonds de recherche Sante – Quebec, Genzyme and Roche, and CRDF Global/NCI. She is a board director of the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) and has received the IPOS Noemi Fisman Award for Lifetime Clinical Excellence. She has served on World Health Organization Committees. Her international work with IPOS and the World Health Organization involves chairing Training Academies designed to build capacity for psycho-oncology in Africa and more broadly for low-middle-income countries.
Melissa Henry’s research focuses on early predictors of mental health trajectories in oncology.
Her specific areas of research include:
Henry, M., Harvey, R., Chen, L.M., Meaney, M., Nguyen, T.T.T., Kao, H.-T., Rosberger, Z. Frenkiel, S., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., Mlynarek, A., Richardson, K., Greenwood, C., Mlynechuk, D., Gold, Ph, Chartier, G., Black, M., Mascarella, M., MacDonald, Sadeghi, N., Sultanem, K., Shenouda, G., Cury, F. & O’Donnell, K.J. (2023, In Press). Journal of Affective Disorders.
Watson, M., Dunn, J. & Henry, M. (2021). (pp.813-817). In B Breitbart, P Butow, P Jacobsen, W Lam, M Lazenby & M Loscalzo (Eds.). Psycho-Oncology (4th Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
Rodriguez, A.-M., Frenkiel, S., *Desroches, J., *De Simone, A., Chiocchio, F., MacDonald, C., Black, M., Zeitouni, A., Hier, M., Kost, K., Mlynarek, A., Bolster-Foucault, C., Rosberger, Z., Henry, M. (2019). Psycho- Oncology, 28, 116-121.
Henry M., Rosberger, Z., *Bertrand, L., Klassen, C., Hier, M., Zeitouni, A., Kost, K., Mlynarek, A., Richardson, K., Black, M., MacDonald, C. & Frenkiel, S. (2018). Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 159(5), 843-852
Henry, M., Cohen, R., Lee, V., Sauthier, P., Provencher, D., Drouin, P., Gauthier, P., Gotlieb, W., Lau, S., Drummond, N., Gilbert, L., Stanimir, G., Sturgeon, J., Chasen, M., *Mitchell, J. *Huang, L.N., *Ferland, M.-K. & Mayo, N. (2010). Psycho-Oncology, 19(12), 1340-1347.
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