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Dr. Michael Pollak

Michael Pollak, MD, FRCP(C), FRSC


Cancer biology, Cancer risk, Endocrine therapies, Endocrinology, Hormones, Insulin-like-growth-factors, Metabolism, Nutrition, Oncology, Population studies
  • Principal Investigator, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
  • Alexander-Goldfarb Research Chair in Medical Oncology, McGill University
  • Professor (tenured), Depts. of Medicine, Pharmacology and Oncology, McGill University
  • Director, Division of Cancer Prevention at the Department of Oncology at McGill and the Stroll Cancer Prevention Centre at the Jewish General Hospital
  • Oncologist, Department of Oncology, Jewish General Hospital

Contact details


Assistant contact details

  • Rhoda Lim, BSc,
    Lab Manager
    (514) 340-8222 ext. 24139


Dr. Pollak is Professor of Medicine and Oncology at McGill University. He is a clinician scientist specializing in roles of metabolism and hormones in cancer biology. Dr Pollak has published more than 520 scientific papers with a total of over 42,500 citations, and an H-index of 130, placing him in the top 10% of researchers in terms of citations and research impact. He was awarded the Harold Warwick Prize by the Canadian Cancer Society in 2012. He collaborates with leading researchers in laboratory, clinical, and population studies, and has received more than $25 million in peer-reviewed funding. He recently completed a term as Editor of the AACR journal Cancer Prevention Research, currently is Co-Editor of the Springer-Nature journal Cancer and Metabolism, and serves on grant panels internationally.

Dr. Pollak practices Medical Oncology at the Jewish General Hospital, and also leads laboratory and population-based research programs. He heads the Division of Cancer Prevention at the Department of Oncology at McGill and the Stroll Cancer Prevention Centre at the Jewish General Hospital. His research focuses on the intersection of oncology, endocrinology, and metabolism and he employs a multidisciplinary approach, using both laboratory and population methods.

Major Research Activities

Dr. Michael Pollak is a clinician scientist specializing in roles of metabolism and hormones in cancer biology.


His specific areas of research include:

  • Nutritional and metabolic factors influencing cancer risk
  • Endocrine therapies for cancer
  • Insulin-like-growth-factors and cancer

Recent Publications and References